
How To Set A Wallpaper On Apple Watch

June 24, 2022 ii min read

Customize your Apple Watch Face!

Hand with Apple Watch and other hand holding iPhone with both having the same wallpaper.

Have you ever wanted to use a personal photo equally your Apple Watch Face? Well, now yous can with a few unproblematic steps! As a special gift to you, our squad here at LAUT released a few Apple Lookout backgrounds to friction match with our new Pop LOOP Apple Watch Bands which you can download hither !

Two Phones, One showing the bottom half where you select share on a photo in the bottom left of the screen, the other has the top half showing with the selection "change apple watch face" highlighted in red Two screen shots showing Apple Watch Face changes and the selection process

Steps to Customize Your Apple Sentry Face

  1. Favorite the photo(south) you want to use on your iPhone.
  2. Click the "share" push button in the bottom left corner of your phone.
  3. Ringlet down and select "Create Picket Face"
  4. Choose the lookout man confront you would like to display on your Apple Watch. You can choose either the "Photos Watch Face" or the "Kaleidoscope Watch Face."
  5. Click "Add" that. is shown next to the preview image of the Apple Lookout man Confront.
  6. Viola! Check your Apple Watch to run across your brand new lookout man face!

Alternative Selection: Set Faces in the Sentinel App

A screen shot of the selection of Face Gallery at the bottom of the Watch app

A hand holding a phone, and a screenshot blown up showing "photos" selected

1. Favorite the Photo(southward)

  • Open up your photos app on your iPhone.
  • Find the photo yous would like to make your Apple tree Lookout Background, and tap on it.
  • Tap the heart that can exist establish in the middle of your screen underneath the photograph.
    • The heart will appear full if the photo is favorited, and equally an outline it if is non favorited

2. Open up the Scout App on your iPhone

  • Open upwards the Scout App on your iPhone.
  • Tap on "Face Gallery" which tin be institute near the bottom of the screen.
  • Scroll down and tap on "Photos."
  • Under content, you lot have the choice to tap "Album" which will cycle through all your favorited photos that y'all selected, or, you can select "custom" and choose a specific photo to get your Apple Picket face.
    • If yous're adding our Pop LOOP inspired wallpapers, you volition want to tap 'custom'.
  • You tin and then customize what you want for personalizations such as where the time will display on the spotter face, or what other data you want displayed on your watch face.

How to Modify your Apple Watch Background from your Apple Watch.

  • Lift your Apple Scout to brandish your current face.
  • Long press on the watch face to open up the "Watch Confront Gallery."
  • Scroll through to find the spotter confront yous want to apply and tap on it to actuate it in one case you notice it.
    • Earlier you tap on the sentry face, you likewise have the chance to edit the watch face and change some of the information it volition display if you want to.

Check out our recent Blog Post about the  Pop LOOP and you'll be able to run into some of the fun sentry strap confront backgrounds that you can download for costless! Stay upwards to date with us by post-obit us  on social media to see if nosotros release whatsoever new watch faces!

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